Archives for Plastic Design

Production Design Demands a Holistic Approach

Creating a 3D Solid Block Master Model  FOURTH AND FINAL SEGMENT When I begin developing a production design I don’t think linearly. That’s a process that would solve a single detail at a time. Instead, I try to approach the process holistically. The idea is to understand the basic objectives of the project and the purpose of the product. This perspective helps establish a set of priorities to be applied to decisions throughout the design process. At this stage of development, most concepts have a defined appearance based on a manufacturing process, component layout and segmentation of parts that form
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Categories: Blog, Plastic Design, and Rotational Molding.

From Idea to Reality: Secrets of Successful Product Design

Designing a well-planned product design and development process that meets market requirements [FIRST OF FOUR SEGMENTS] The product design and development pathway—from concept to completion—is seldom smooth or easy. There are numerous considerations, a diverse body of knowledge and a range of creative skills required to successfully develop a winning new product. This checklist for success is based on more than 35 years of personal experience…and working with many companies, individuals and a range of product markets. The secrets of successful—potentially award-winning—design range from the deceptively simple to highly complex. Interestingly, product design courses are available in many colleges or
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Categories: Blog, Plastic Design, and Rotational Molding.